Instructor Development
The effectiveness of a training program, course, or informational briefing relies heavily on the successful delivery of content. The instructor is the conduit of information to be provided. Many times, instructors rely on the manner in which they were taught; lecture or an overuse of PowerPoint. The instructor development courses offered by Dychelon are based upon sound research and the delivery of over a thousand student centered class sessions where the students were actively engaged.
Dychelon has developed a proven process where instructors will build upon or improve their teaching skill sets and techniques. The courses follow a progression to improve presentations skill sets, creating meaningful discussion in class, developing learning objectives, and enjoyment for both the instructor and students. Being an effective teacher is an extremely satisfying and meaningful. There is a process to lead you down that path. Dychelon instructors have been sought out by colleges, universities, a private firms for their expertise in successful instruction and curriculum development.
The courses offered by Dychelon fall into three distinct levels which build upon each other.
LEVEL 1: Level one introduces the student to adult learning concepts, the use of questions to generate deep thought, student needs, the way adults learn and retain concepts, Motivational Interviewing, and fundamental lesson planning. The course will allow students to feel much more comfortable teaching any course while keeping student engagement at a high level.
LEVEL 2: Level two builds upon the previous level with a focus on presentation skills to be used in the classroom. Presentation tools such as audio, video, PowerPoint, easel charts, and other tools will be evaluated as to their appropriateness and effectiveness in the classroom. Other aspects of teaching will encompass student placement, instructor gesturing and positioning, voice and inflection, and several others to improve the classroom experience for students. Students will learn and recognize how gestures and the environment of the classroom can significantly improve the quality of training.
LEVEL 3: Level three delves deep into curriculum development. The process for developing a course is a process which relies on research of the topic, evaluation and critique by subject matter experts, lesson planning, the creation of student activities to deliver course concepts, and peer review. By the conclusion of level three, students will confidently create courses which will effectively deliver content while demonstrating the course was developed upon a solid foundation of research.
By completing all three levels, students will gain a true sense of confidence to research, develop, and deliver any course. This sequence will create opportunities for its graduates. There are many instructors, but effective instructors who understand adult learning concepts, presentation skills, and curriculum design are a rarity. The process allows you to be the full package: a well-rounded instructor, presenter, and curriculum developer.
Al Cobos
Al Cobos is the owner and lead consultant for Dychelon which improves team performance and promotes successful team building. Al has successfully built teams over the past two decades. He has over thirty years of public sector experience in addition to teaching for several universities. His focus is to improve people in their personal and professional lives.