Motivational Conversation
Guiding our People down the path of Success
In an era of smartphones and social media, the workplace can become very isolating for team members. We can immerse ourselves on social media on our phones or desktops at work. This can be isolating for individuals and it will lead to less productive teams.
Individual Coaching
Dychelon offers courses for effective team building; becoming a great teacher, trainer, or consultant; organizational change; alternative discipline implementation, and organizational ethics. Personal instruction is offered to those who want individual coaching on how to address any of these issues. An assessment of your unique needs will take place to develop a successful plan to…
Read MoreGenerational Differences
Different generations in the workplace can provide the diversity of thought which is needed for an organization to move forward and not become disconnected.
Read MoreAlternative Discipline for Employees
In many public service agencies, when an employee receives discipline, they are punished by being suspended without pay for a specific amount of time. The problem wi
Read MoreInstructor Development
The effectiveness of a training program, course, or informational briefing relies heavily on the successful delivery of content. The instructor is the conduit of infor
Read MoreOrganizational Ethics
Ethical conduct by an employee is an expectation for any organization. Every field and occupation are affected by ethical breaches of individuals. However, the expecta
Read MoreTeam Management
Teams compose any organization. Whether a company has ten employees or ten-thousand employees, small teams are where services are delivered to clients. Setting goals,
Read MoreDecision-Making
Decision-making is foundational for individuals and teams. While many are adept at making decisions, others are not. Decision-making is a process. Many use the “Obse
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