Communication & Problem Solving
How do we create culture for a safe and productive workplace?
At a basic level, the workplace is an exchange of time from our employees for a service to be provided in the form of work. But the proposed simplicity of this exchange is rather complex in practice. For many, work is one part of their lives where they spend a significant amount of time.
Workplace Harassment & Organizational Culture
How do we create culture for a safe and productive workplace?
At a basic level, the workplace is an exchange of time from our employees for a service to be provided in the form of work. But the proposed simplicity of this exchange is rather complex in practice. For many, work is one part of their lives where they spend a significant amount of time.
Executive Communication
How do you connect with your people?
With the opportunity to teach a variety of courses over the years, I have become a big proponent of changing the way we teach and train adults.This involves moving away from the elementary school model where students are placed in rows and the teacher is the center of attention.
Asking versus Telling
How to get the most out of your team?
As managers and leaders, we are in the business of moving people in the direction of meeting goals, solving problems independently, and reaching their full potential. It is easy to tell people how to solve problems, achieve goals, and where the team is supposed to be headed.
Building Better Communication
How do you connect with your people?
With the opportunity to teach a variety of courses over the years, I have become a big proponent of changing the way we teach and train adults.This involves moving away from the elementary school model where students are placed in rows and the teacher is the center of attention.
Less Stress & Enjoying Life
How to be good to yourself?
One of the courses that I have taught over the years is Personal and Organizational Ethics. While the focus of the class is ethics at a personal level, the connection to the practices of the organization is discussed at length.The main takeaway is that an organization must practice the very ethical codes that it wants its employees to embrace.
Good Traits When Managing
Good Traits When Managing
In my continuing effort to improve my skills as a manager, instructor, and influencer, I expose myself to a wide variety of ideas and perspectives to make better decisions. I am a firm believer in learning as broadly as possible where I attempt not to exclude potential information simply because it is outside my intellectual comfort zone.
Building a Training Manager Community
Getting Better by Reaching Out
As a young and newly minted supervisor on the Sheriff’s Department, I was placed into a position to supervise a classmate from my academy class, my former training officer, and one of the most tenured people at the patrol station.
Why We Teach
What Motivates a Good Instructor?
As a trainer for the past decade, I have learned a number of skills which have made me better at my craft. It has been a process which has challenged me over the years since I needed to be an effective instructor while bringing value to my students.
Why Study Teams?
Knowing Your People Gives You Tools for Success
You are a supervisor that needs to improve the performance of your team. There are a number of ways to improve team performance and you are at the helm to choose a path for your team. Better performance leads to increased sales, productivity, profit, and recognition.